Rebbe Nachman of Breslov was a great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov and a most distinguished Chasidic leader in his own right. Profound and original, he remains the inspiration for the Breslov movement today two centuries after his death.Chayei Moharan is a collection of conversations and biographical information recorded by his foremost disciple Rav Nosson Sternhartz. We present selections below:
The letters of the words LEV BASAR 'a glad heart' spell out the word
Every time a person wears a nice new article of clothing something changes inside of him; when he changes his clothes his face changes as well.
A pure and G-d-fearing person should take special care to wear dignified clothing. As far as he can. He should certainly never look slovenly. Even the followers of a righteous person are only drawn to him because of his clothes. They see the dignity of his clothing and this is what gives him his standing in their eyes and makes them willing to follow him. If he were not dressed properly they would not see anything in him.
G-d Himself clothed Himself in Egypt . The entire sequence of events in Egypt was all
‘clothing.’ G-d had to clothe Himself, so to speak, in the events connected
with the Exodus, until later on the Jewish people started to know G-d Himself.
This year I
danced a lot because the edicts against the Jews were being
discussed. Through dancing and hand-clapping we sweeten the decrees and nullify them.
discussed. Through dancing and hand-clapping we sweeten the decrees and nullify them.
What is
there for you to be afraid of about dying? The world there is far more
beautiful than here.
Presumably the dead man is laughing in his heart at the way they are
crying over him. When someone dies people cry over him as if to say: how good if you had lived in this world even longer and suffered even more trials and torments, and then you would have had even more bitterness.
Presumably the dead man is laughing in his heart at the way they are
crying over him. When someone dies people cry over him as if to say: how good if you had lived in this world even longer and suffered even more trials and torments, and then you would have had even more bitterness.
I am not the least bit
afraid of dying anymore. For I have
surely achieved a few things in this world.
Surely the only difference
between life and death is very minimal.
Now a person is here and then afterwards he is there. (He gestured with
his hand toward the cemetery).
We should get into the habit of eating without haste, calmly and with
manners. We should always eat with the same dignity we would display if someone important were sitting at the table.
It is forbidden to despair.
Gevalt! Don't give up!
Even if a person experiences a
tremendous fall each one in his own way, he should still strengthen himself and
never ever despair, because G-d's greatness is exalted even beyond the Torah, and there is a place where everything can be
corrected. For repentance is beyond the Torah.
When a person wants to
accomplish something holy, no matter how much effort he has put into it, how
many thoughts have to pass through his mind and how much he has to do in order
to succeed, not a single good thought or deed is ever lost. They are all recorded in his favor. How
fortunate to be able to overcome all the obstacles and accomplish something
There is a
big evil urge in many people and especially very great people that makes them
abandon everything for the sake of one thing they believe to be a mitzva.
The way the Evil One connives against people and puts obstacles in their way is through creating mental barriers. Sometimes a person gets it into his mind that doing a certain thing will be very burdensome for him, and this is how the Evil One tries to hold him back. Other times the Evil One makes him take such a light view of the matter and view it as so insignificant that it does not occur to him that the very life of his soul depends on it.
You have to be very obstinate and fight it [the Evil inclination] time and time again- even a hundred times and more. If you are very firm every time, in the end you will be able to drive it away completely
We must believe that everything is certainly
correct and right, only with our minds it is impossible to understand G-d’s
ways. Even the few explanations brought in genuine kabbalistic works written by
holy righteous men with deep perception and genuine spiritual powers are unable
to solve the problems completely.
Clearly the answers hang in the air and we have only faith to rely on.
I believe
that G-d can turn a triangle into a square, for G-d's ways
are hidden from us. He is omnipotent and nothing is impossible for Him.
are hidden from us. He is omnipotent and nothing is impossible for Him.
faith a person can reach such a state of longing that he does not
know what he is longing for, and he can cry out, Gevalt! Bind me. I want
to be a Jew
know what he is longing for, and he can cry out, Gevalt! Bind me. I want
to be a Jew
G-d is
always good
The goal of all knowledge of G-d is to realize that one is truly ignorant
Free Will
One of the
young men was speaking to the Rebbe and said,
"I want to be a good Jew." "But do you want to want?' the
Rebbe replied.
Whatever you see in the world exists only for the sake of free will. The whole world and all it contains were created only for the sake of free will.
Whatever you see in the world exists only for the sake of free will. The whole world and all it contains were created only for the sake of free will.
Make an effort to talk to people a great deal so as to inspire them and
bring them back to G-d.
It is best
to talk over matters concerning one's devotions with a close
Praying for a friend who has troubles
keeps a person from arrogance.
Real weeping comes from joy.
We should
even try to turn sadness and depression into a reason for being happy. We
should say, 'Even though I am the way I am, I still have the merit of
being Jewish. How many mitzvot I carry out each day- tzitzit,tefillin,
saying the Shema, giving charity etc.
Perhaps the way I carry them out leaves much to be desired. Even so, they
still contain many good points, and in the upper worlds they bring a lot of
joy. This even applies to the mitzvot done
by Jews who are sinners, because as long as they still go by the name of a Jew,
G-d takes great pride in them, as is written, "Israel in whom I take pride
(Isaiah 49:3)."
Throughout the
Rebbe's works you will find "mountains of dictates" and
all kinds of ways
to keep constantly happy no matter what the situation.
Usually the only
way is with light-heartedness and laughter. Depression
is the worst
thing of all, and once it gets a hold it is harder to break
than anything
else. It also damages more than anything else. This is why
it is so
necessary to try one's utmost to be happy even when under great
materially and spiritually. Even when things are at their worst
one should still
have unfaltering trust in G-d remembering that in the end
G-d will never
abandon him.
Hitbodedut (secluded meditation)
Meditation and prayer is SIChah. A bush of the field is SIaCh. When
every bush, SIaCH of the field begins to return to life and grow, they all yearn to be included in prayer and meditation, SICHAH.
Meadows and forests are good very good places for meditation.
When do I have my meditation? When everyone is standing around me and I am sitting here in the middle. That is when I seclude myself with G-d.
The root of arrogance is when a person prides himself on having qualities which his friend lacks. But when a person believes that the only cause of his friend’s deficiency- spiritual or material- is the screen he himself has erected between his friend and G-d, Who wants to bestow blessings at all times, he will certainly not become arrogant.
Being humble is the true goal of life
My only place is in the Holy
Land . Wherever I go I am
only going to the Holy Land . It is only temporarily that I pasture here in
Breslov and the like.
Whoever wants to be a Jew, which means going from
level to level, can only succeed through the Land of Israel .
I mean Israel quite literally with its
houses and apartments.
Someone who wants to reach Israel should go there
even if he has to travel on foot, as Abraham was told when G-d said, ‘Go forth”
(Genesis 12:1).
Each Jew has his letter in the Torah. Anyone who speaks against a Jew
detaches himself from the Torah through finding a blemish in the letter
which is the root of the soul of the person he is speaking
against....Surely some little bit of good remains [in a sinner] some good point where he isn't a sinner.
detaches himself from the Torah through finding a blemish in the letter
which is the root of the soul of the person he is speaking
against....Surely some little bit of good remains [in a sinner] some good point where he isn't a sinner.
The love which exists between honest,
sincere and G-d-fearing people, and in particular between the tzadik and his
followers, is priceless.
The only way for any plant to reach its ultimate
grandeur is for the seed to be placed in the ground first. The seed then has to rot, and only afterwards
does it sprout and grow and become a tree.
So it is with you (Rabbi Nachman’s brother Yechiel who faced
Opposition brings one to great heights
of perception.
Anything good in this world is never
Physical desires
With just a little sense all temptations can be overcome.
Purpose of Life
There is no purpose in this world except to
abandon our worldly desires and serve G-d.
Our whole way is to be aware that this is a world
of trials
Even if
someone dies at the age of eighty it may still be that his life
was cut short- in the sense that he failed to improve himself, and all his years were vanity. We need to live only a little, just as long as we live right.
was cut short- in the sense that he failed to improve himself, and all his years were vanity. We need to live only a little, just as long as we live right.
Everything done in this world, even among the
gentile nations, down to the last details of their gait, clothing and so
on-everything has some purpose and nothing is meaningless.
If they turned a man inside out they would see that thousands upon
thousands of worlds depend upon every single sinew of his body.
When you are making a great effort to pray properly but you still find you can't, the only thing to do is to say the words in the simplest and most literal way possible.
We should weep before G-d like a little child
weeps before his father. We should cry
because we are so far from our Father in heaven.
prayer one has to work himself up like someone working himself
into a temper...a person has to work himself up into a temper for holiness
into a temper...a person has to work himself up into a temper for holiness
Nachman on Himself
My fire will burn forever and not go out. My fire will burn until
Mashiach comes.
I am very
firm about not giving advice in the form of orders.
Even if I
were to commit the gravest possible sin it would still not throw me at
all. After sinning I would still be righteous, just as I was before.
It is just that I would repent.
Thank G-d I become a different person
with every new moment
Whatever happens it is always good to make a new start each time and say, "Today I am beginning..."
Service of G-d
In all acts of devotion there is always something
left for the individual himself to decide, without being instructed one way or
the other. He must decide and choose for
himself, as Moses did when he added a day on his own initiative without being
commanded. The area where choice comes
into play is where the main work lies.
There is always room for doubt about what G–d really wants, since He has
given no instructions about what to do.
Everything depends on effort.
Through work and effort everyone can reach great levels.
Sophistication is nothing. The main thing is what is in your heart and
your practical actions.
You [a simple person] have the power to stir even a great man to serve
G-d. A small piece of wood can set fire to a very large piece.
If you want to know what is precious to me, it is when I see the poorest beggar going about with a torn hat, torn clothes, and torn shoes-serving G-d. I beg of you: be good pure Jews. This is my only hope and desire.
It is even possible to whisper to a pistol not to fire- because the power of speech is very great
Telling stories about the tzadikim,
showing their greatness and
extraordinary powers, sweetens the harsh judgments and brings
loving kindness into the world.
extraordinary powers, sweetens the harsh judgments and brings
loving kindness into the world.
People say stories help you go to sleep. But I said that through stories it is
possible to rouse men from their sleep.
Where only a monetary loss is involved, without
question I have to accept it with joy, because “Skin for skin, all that a man
has he will give for his life” (Job 2:4).
But even if my very life were required, may G-d protect me from now and
forever [I would rejoice].
Asking their [tzadikim's] advice sweetens all the
harsh judgments and this
is the way to avoid suffering. Even if one does have to suffer he will
find a way to accept the suffering with love and joy, seeing in it a
revelation of G-d Himself He will be able to understand how G-d contracts
Himself, as it were, and clothes Himself in his suffering.
is the way to avoid suffering. Even if one does have to suffer he will
find a way to accept the suffering with love and joy, seeing in it a
revelation of G-d Himself He will be able to understand how G-d contracts
Himself, as it were, and clothes Himself in his suffering.
Thought was created never to rest for a
moment. It is like the
pendulum of a clock which never stops....thinking never ceases. It is
possible to overcome all untoward thoughts and get rid of them completely by thinking something different.
pendulum of a clock which never stops....thinking never ceases. It is
possible to overcome all untoward thoughts and get rid of them completely by thinking something different.
One's true face is his mind, which
illuminates the face from within.
Each day has its own blessing.
Where something can be done for today
never leave it for tomorrow.
Torah Study
There is no need for originality. The main concern
should be the truth and only the truth.
[However Rabbi Nachman praises original interpretations if motivated by
A very important way of making amends for impure thoughts is by developing original Torah ideas.
The Torah contains an account of everything in the universe. There is
nothing which the Torah does not speak about.
If teachers
push a young child too much, the child ends up knowing
When one repeats a lie twice it
becomes the truth- that is it becomes like truth for the person who repeats it,
by virtue of his having repeated it twice.
Just to see a tzadik even if one does not hear him teach Torah is also
very good. This is the way to greatness.
What great
sages they must be to figure out how to make a wonderful weapon that can kill
thousands of people at once. Is there anything more foolish than to kill
so many people for nothing?
We ackonowledge the use of Avraham Greenbaum's translation as published by the Breslov Research Institute, entitled Tzadik.
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